Amber Shifflett

Software Developer

"I know computers can help people to lead full, happy lives. My personal vision is to create programs and websites that inspire wonder, improve lives, and are accessible to as many folks as possible."

Ideal Job

Video game development for a company with forward-thinking ideals, like 2K Gaming. Preferably in a team setting.

Man Gaming
Photo by Florian Olivo on Unsplash
  • Bachelor of Science Degree in Software Engineering - Western Governors University / Currently Attending
  • CompTIA A+ Certification
  • Bachelor of Science Degree in Biological Science - Florida State University / 2013

I was born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida, USA. In high school, I was a part of a small team of students who assisted teachers with school IT equipment. I went to college at Florida State University, but I wasn't ready to commit to my career goals yet. Symptomatic of this, I changed my undergrad major several times. Ultimately, I obtained my first degree: a B.S. in Biology. After college, I worked as a hardware repair technician to fix personal phones, tablets, and computers. When I moved to Oregon, I was fortunate to find work with a national IT service business (CompuCom) as a field service technician. Unfortunately, I developed some driving anxiety which forced me out of the position. Therapy is helping me to overcome this. I am eager to collaborate with others to make fun and useful apps!

Amber Shifflett
Springfield, OR

Cell #: +1(352)681-3557

Just take to the apps! Apps list